Insurance Inspections.
Make sure that the condition of your multi-family property is professionally inspected and properly documented, in order to ensure insurance coverage in the future.
Be Prepared!
Let’s face it- accidents happen. So it’s important to ensure that, in the case that your property gets damaged, you will get sufficient coverage from your insurer. However, certain home and hail damage insurance companies are now requiring inspections from an accredited home inspector before coverage begins. These inspections are typically required by underwriting and the inspection requirements can vary.
At Scott Home Services, we have qualified inspectors that can create compliant home inspection reports for all residentially-zoned rental properties – from small duplexes to large apartment complexes.
We Can Help!
Here at Scott Home Services, we have been conducting home inspections for over 18 years, and we are currently a leading home inspection company in the Colorado Front Range. We have team of ASHI and InterNachi – certified inspectors that are experts at evaluating all aspects of a home, inside and out. And the best part is we can cater the inspection to meet the exact requirements that your insurer specifies.