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What Is A Condensate Pump?

By |2024-05-28T15:43:20-06:00May 28th, 2024|Back to Basics, HVAC|

Did you know that lots of HVAC systems create condensate? Some systems even create so much water that a small box called a condensate pump is needed. A condensate pump might be a small box, but it plays a big role in condensate drainage. But what exactly is it and what is its purpose? [...]

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Discussing Hydronic Forced Air Heating

By |2024-05-13T12:06:26-06:00May 13th, 2024|Back to Basics, HVAC, Plumbing|

When it comes to heating homes, there is a multitude of ways to get the job done. Whether you are using a furnace, a boiler, a heat pump or any other mechanism, there will always be pros and cons. But what happens when you combine two different systems and pair their redeeming qualities together? [...]

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Why Can’t I Turn Off My Bathroom Exhaust Fan?

By |2024-01-15T09:54:21-07:00January 15th, 2024|Back to Basics, HVAC|

So you just moved into your brand new beautiful house. The home inspection is complete and everything is looking great! But after a few days you start to notice something strange - even when you try to switch it off, the bathroom exhaust fan keeps running continuously by itself. What's up with that? As [...]

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Do I Need An Exhaust Fan In My Kitchen?

By |2023-06-02T13:59:15-06:00June 5th, 2023|Back to Basics, HVAC|

Having good indoor air quality in the residential setting is essential to healthy and safe living. The kitchen is one of those rooms that can heavily influence the content of your indoor air - think steam, smoke, grease, fumes etc. It's no wonder then that so many kitchens are equipped with exhaust fans. As [...]

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Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

By |2023-05-23T15:01:24-06:00April 28th, 2023|Back to Basics, HVAC|

Each year when spring comes around, it's a time to shake off all that winter dust and spruce up your property. It's spring cleaning time! Winters can be rough (especially in Colorado), so by the time spring rolls around, many components of the home will be ready for a much needed cleaning and/or maintenance. [...]

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The Benefits of Air Source Heat Pumps

By |2023-02-13T17:18:26-07:00February 13th, 2023|Back to Basics, HVAC, Uncategorized|

Choosing the right in-home heating and cooling system is an important job. You need a product that will condition the living space safely, sufficiently and efficiently. There are a lot of different options out there, all with their own pros and cons. In this blog, we will shed light on the air source heat [...]

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Manual J, Manual S, and Manual D: What’s The Difference?

By |2023-07-31T17:34:46-06:00January 12th, 2023|Back to Basics, HVAC, Mechanical Design|

In this day and age, energy efficiency protocol is an integral part of the construction process. When it comes to newly built homes, everything from the building envelope to the HVAC must adhere to regulations established by the IECC. As an energy services company we are well-versed in all the aspects related to energy [...]

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HRV and ERV Systems: What You Should Know

By |2023-05-23T15:25:55-06:00December 8th, 2022|Back to Basics, HVAC|

If you own a newer home, it is likely equipped with an HRV or an ERV system. That is because these systems are crucial in maintaining in-home air quality. Nowadays, homes are built to meet high energy efficiency standards. They are constructed in an airtight manner, in order to keep conditioned air from leaking [...]

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Combustion Closet Rules for Rental License Inspections

By |2023-05-23T15:32:40-06:00October 27th, 2022|Back to Basics, Boulder Rental License, Denver Rental License, HVAC, Rental Property Inspection|

Furnaces and water heaters are key elements in any Colorado home. However, being that they are combustion appliances, they can pose safety and health hazards if not configured properly. One of the most common practices in the residential setting is to have these appliances installed in a combustion closet. When it comes to Denver [...]

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How Do Whole House Fans Work? The Pros and Cons

By |2023-05-23T16:28:54-06:00April 21st, 2022|Back to Basics, HVAC|

Whole house fans are still commonly found at our home inspections they come in a few different varieties. While most of them are very old units, many of them are still in working condition. There are also newer versions which we see on occasion as Colorado has a decent climate for a whole house [...]

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